Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement - Part 1


Fighting crime has historically been a field that drives technological innovation, and it can serve as an example of different governance styles in societies. Artificial Intelligence in policing is one of the recent innovations that covers technical trends such as machine learning, preventive crime fighting strategies, and actual policing in cities.


Broadly speaking, Artificial Intelligence uses data to teach computers to make decisions without explicitly instructing them how to do it. Machine learning (part of AI) is used successfully in many industries to create efficiency, prioritise risk and improve decision making. Although they are at a very early stage, the police in the western countries are exploring the benefits of using machine learning methods to prevent and detect crime, and to develop new insights to tackle problems of significant public concern.



The police can use machine learning effectively to resolve many challenges that are before them. The use of machine learning solutions can help in predictive policing, where they can prevent crimes and thus improve public safety. But the key thing to consider is Ethics as misuse of the technology can lead to social unrest. Many expert critics warn that predictive policing could open a Pandora’s Box of problems. 

Artificial intelligence has the potential to be a permanent part of our criminal justice ecosystem, providing investigative assistance and allowing criminal justice professionals to better maintain public safety. Every day holds the potential for new AI applications in criminal justice, paving the way for future possibilities to assist in the criminal justice system and ultimately improve public safety. With technology such as cameras, video, and social media generating massive volumes of data, AI could detect crimes that would otherwise go undetected and help ensure greater public safety by investigating potential criminal activity, thus increasing community confidence in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. AI also has the potential to assist the nation’s crime laboratories in areas such as complex DNA mixture analysis. 


AI technology also has the potential to provide law enforcement with situational awareness and context, thus aiding in police well-being due to better informed responses to possibly dangerous situations. Technology that includes robotics and drones could also perform public safety surveillance, be integrated into overall public safety systems, and provide a safe alternative to putting police and the public in harm’s way. Robotics and drones could also perform recovery, provide valuable intelligence, and augment criminal justice professionals in ways not yet contrived. By using AI and predictive policing analytics integrated with computer-aided response and live public safety video enterprises, law enforcement will be better able to respond to incidents, prevent threats, stage interventions, divert resources, and investigate and analyze criminal activity.  

We will look at some ways by which the police can use machine learning to achieve better results in law enforcement in part 2 of the article.


  1. Meaning full information...!!

  2. This would breach some security,but will reduce the crime rate!

    1. Thanks Shabana! Yes there are some privacy issues that need to be considered before using this technology.

  3. Quite informative. Thanks for sharing such information.

  4. Amazing thought. Great chances of seeing reduction in crime through AI. Share something around improving Public Transport and Traffic system.


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